The school in Strand, western Cape , will have many new soccer playing star kids soon. Thanks to a charity, that funded the project a complete solar powered irrigation system are being installed at the high school Simanyene, The system will provide water from a borehole and use the sun’s power to drive a brand new highly efficient irrigation system. The irrigation will supply just the right amount of water to keep the grass green , without waiting energy or precious water. Our kids deserve to be outside and enjoy green grass, without the need to waste power and water.

Our proud workers, feels great to have contributed to our community and hope the youngster will embrace this gift. We trust that this incentive will soon create many new Baffana super stars and rugby players for the future.

The complete system was design and installed by Orbic Solar.We used blue power and a very efficient cost effective pump to achieve the optimum required water flow for the terrain.

If you want to know how your school can benefit by saving power and water, please contact us at We will give you a free survey and show you how your school can safe power and water by being more efficient and using green power.

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